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4 Ways Digital Patient Communication Solutions Boosts Patient Trust

 Communication Solution

by Brian Fitzgerald | Last Updated: April 4, 2022 | Read Time 1 min read

The world we live in today revolves around digital technology. It’s incorporated inside each of our lives every day. FaceTime, texting, emailing, and social media have taken over as main ways of communication in society. These ways of communicating also have been used throughout businesses. Industries are finding ways to adapt to the worlds new way of reaching out, which can result in more opportunities.

Digital Communication is on Surge

For years, those in the healthcare industry have been making use of communicating digitally with patients to notify them about pickups, manage refills, appointments, etc. Normally, providers reach out to their patients using automated calls and texts. The beautiful thing about the new age of digital communication is that it allows society to develop personal connections with one another. Automation takes away the opportunity to connect personally. With healthcare being such an imperative part of lives, patients prefer more of a personal connection regarding their health.

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This connection builds trust between the patient and provider, meaning more business being done and better knowledge of the patient’s health.

Patient Care if the First Priority

Ultimately, it ensures the patient that they're in great hands and kept safe. That, being healthcare providers main purpose. This approach also ensures the patients are better informed, educated, and more in control. According to a Digital Health study1 was taken that involved 2,000 adults in Britain. It was to test the preference for digital communications with their healthcare providers. 68% of the patients wanted to be able to manage their appointments online or via smartphone (confirm, cancel, or reschedule their appointments digitally). This was preferred over receiving notifications via post mail. Around 40% of patients said they would rather go paperless with all communications with their providers. While 31% said they wouldn’t want that. There was a remaining 29% of patients who had no preference.

Digital Communication for Younger Demographics

The digital communication method is more preferred within the younger demographics. For patients under 35-years-old, 53% of them said they would rather go fully digital (all alerts). While 77% of patients under 45-years-old wanted to be able to confirm, cancel, or reschedule online or via a smartphone. Mike Cunningham, the managing director of Healthcare Communications said, “By continuing to develop and introduce new communication tools, the patient experience is enhanced, costs are reduced and resources become easier to manage.”

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Rise of Concerned Consumers

The younger demographic is a major reason why providers are turning to the digital way of communicating with their patients. As younger patients with long-term health conditions 2 are less active with their health services, it results in poor outcomes in their health. Professor Frances Griffiths said, “Digital Communication enables timely access for young people to the right clinician at the time when it can make a difference to how they manage their health condition. This is valued as an addition to traditional clinic appointments, and can engage those otherwise disengaged. It can enhance patient autonomy, empowerment and activation.”

Digital Communication also enables the patient flexibility with their providers. Situations come up daily, and sometimes appointments need to be cancelled or rescheduled last minute. This way of communicating makes this process fast, efficient, and equally beneficial for both the provider and the patient. Technology has made significant advances in maintaining privacy and compliance with related laws such as HIPAA3. Patient privacy and safety are paramount to the success of achieving digital transformation for the next generation of healthcare systems. For information on Digital Patient Communication Solutions with our experts, contact us today for free below!


1. https://www.digitalhealth.net/2018/01/patient-survey-digital-communications/

2. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170705122941.htm

3. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/security/laws-regulations/index.html