Swittons Makes its Debut on the Salesforce AppExchange

Swittons with Salesforce AppExchange

by Brian Fitzgerald | Last Updated: November 11, 2020 | Read Time 1 min read

We are excited to announce that our Swittons Internet of Things (IoT) powered smart devices have made their debut on the Salesforce AppExchange. This means Salesforce customers now have direct access to the secure and compliant Swittons platform, which can be easily integrated as an extension of existing Salesforce org processes and workflows.

“We are excited about this new integration for Salesforce orgs, because they are now able to automatically capture data from remote locations at the push of a button thanks to our complete lineup of Swittons smart devices,” stated Swittons CEO and Founder Anupam Nandwana. “This not only saves organizations time and money, it gives them a way to connect with customers, patients and partners in a secure, compliant and more meaningful way. And our fingerprint model adds yet another layer of protection to help further ensure data security.”

Salesforce customers that have a need for remote, in the field, physical to digital workstreams like inventory requests, service orders and other actions can now execute these tasks automatically within existing Salesforce workflows at the push of a button. In addition to automatic, push button sales and service orders, other use cases for Swittons within Salesforce include support requests, inventory updates, job completion notifications, secure location operations, healthcare delivery, remote engagement and much more.

The Swittons platform can also be utilized across several functions within the same organization, with workstream-specific customizations for each functional vertical. Of the many use cases for pharmaceutical organizations; for example, Swittons can be used to automate processes between labs, supply chains and sales teams at the click of a button. This type of functionality also enhances omnichannel workflows within Salesforce.

Unlike multichannel solutions, which operate in silos by nature, omnichannel platforms like Swittons deliver a consistent, personalized, secure and compliant user experience across all channels. Coupled with Salesforce, the Swittons platform becomes a secure and compliant advanced enterprise solution for sophisticated Salesforce orgs with multiplexed needs. Not only does Swittons reduce manual data entry and the need for phone calls, the devices can be deployed to remote locations with 24x7 connectivity.

Swittons has garnered interest for the following cross-pharma use cases:

  • Pharma Labs, where Swittons fills the gaps between scientists and e-systems, by automating functions like opening tickets in service software, activating emergency alerts, automating reagent reorders and triggering team messaging (email, text, phone and video).

  • Pharma Supply Chains, where Swittons serves as a connecting point to allow for remote communication, instant notifications and restocking of various warehouses (or pharmacy distribution centers) at the click of a button.

  • Clinical Trials, where Swittons can be situated at the clinical sites to enable one-touch requests of drug supply, incidentals, or trigger discussions with clinical research associates (CRAs).

Salesforce customers interested in Swittons can purchase the solution directly from the Salesforce AppExchange. Swittons will provision the devices, ensuring security and compliance, and then work with your team to define button functionality and operational workflows within existing Salesforce orgs. Then the devices get shipped to your location. Each Swittons device can be custom branded, and they come out of the box ready - automatically connecting through a Wi-Fi or GSM cellular connection.

Swittons is powered by the technology and expertise developed by P360. Delivering a 360-view through the pharma, physician, laboratory and patient ecosystem, P360 designs and deploys capabilities that ensure the highest efficiencies and returns on sales operations, data management, clinical trials, patient centricity and IoT innovation.

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To learn more about Swittons for pharma, simply visit Swittons/pharma. To learn more about P360, go to P360.com.


Brian Fitzgerald